In the example above, Line 6: is the source of the error. Error 800A0046 is a runtime error, so the problem is likely to outside your script, there could be something the matter with permissions on an application server. Put on your detective hat, and pay close attention to the line number.
However, my example of is taken from printer permission problem sent in by Keith S. You could be trying to connect to SQL, IIS or Exchange. Example 2: Error 800A0046 When You Install Visual StudioĬode 800A0046 is runtime error that is more likely to occur with an.The secret is to read the Windows Script Error message carefully, then check the access control list to see who has permission to use the page, or use the device.
Troubleshooting Code 800A0046 – Permission DeniedĬode 800A0046 is a straightforward error to solve.